The NMTC Program is gearing up for the 'opening' of its next competitive Allocation Application round: Round VI -2008. This, of course, means, there have been five previous rounds.
Please do not be confused if you have seen the rounds originally listed in a 2001-2002 (Round I) // 2003-2004 (Round II) format. For simplicity sakes, someone flexed their executive power and decided it would be a bit easier to track the Program if the Rounds were listed by single year only.
Let's Review:
- Round I (2003): $2.5B of NMTCs were allocated
- Round II (2004): $3.5B of NMTCs were allocated
- Round III (2005): $2B of NMTCs were allocated
- Round IV (2006): $4.1B of NMTCs were allocated (Increased by $600MM for GO Zone Allocation)
- Round V (2007): $3.9B of NMTCs can be allocated (Increased by $400MM for special GO Zone Allocation)
Q: Why is this bold red?
A: It is bold red because this is the round yet to be ANNOUNCED. In fact, hundreds of applicants across the nation are waiting with baited breath to to find out whether they received a piece of the $3.9B NMTC pie.
- Round VI (2008): $3.5B of NMTCs to be allocated
Q: Why is this bold red?
A: It is bold red because this is the round yet to be OPENED. In fact, hundreds of prospective applicants across the nation are waiting with baited breath for the 2008 NMTC Allocation Application so that they may competitively compete for a piece of the $3.5B NMTC Pie.
I hope this was helpful & welcome your comments!
NaShawndra Jackson-Davis
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